Workday & Absence

Working Hours

Regular working hours are from 9am to 6pm CEST, with 1h lunch break in between.

Working hours can be adjusted according to personal preferences and needs, provided that this does not pose additional challenges for coworkers.


Everyone at Bleech is entitled to 28 days paid leave and we encourage everyone to make full use of those days to properly and regularly refresh and spend quality time with your loved ones.

If you’re wondering how many days are left for you in the current year, approach our People & Organisation Manager and she’ll be able to tell you. To apply for vacation:

  • go to the Board “Vacation Planning”
  • create a new entry with your name, duration and vacation days (the amount of business days)
  • select  “Gülriz” as approver if you work in the project team. Select “Timo” as approver, if you work in support. Select both if you work in both.
  • Once your vacation has been approved, it will appear in the “Vacation 2024” calendar visible to everyone in the team after subscribing to it. Please remember to also create an OoO event in your personal calendar.

Vacation requests for 4 business days or more should be handed in at least 6 weeks in advance and will be decided upon within 10 days. Vacation requests for up to 3 business days can be decided upon quicker, but should be requested 3 weeks in advance. We highly encourage everyone to plan in at least 1 longer vacation (2 weeks or more) per year. It’s very much appreciated to plan those in early in advance (3 months or more), to allow for smooth project plannings.

Left over vacation of a year needs to be taken until the end of March of the following year. Unused vacation will expire after that date. For new team members who started in the second half of the year, unused vacation will only expire at the end of June of the following year.

Public Holidays

As we are a team from different countries and nations, we also have various public holidays. In general there are nine days of national public holidays in Germany and a few more that are only holidays in some parts of the country. These apply to all employees who are resident in Germany. All national holidays are displayed in the Bleech calendar. Apart from that, everyone staying in and permanently working from another state than Berlin or another country than Germany should please inform their teammates/direct report about their specific relevant holidays with a lead time of at least six weeks, so they are able to take them into account for the planning.

Every vacation and holiday should be tracked in Harvest under “Absence – Vacation”. Please add a little note if it is a holiday e.g. “Public holiday – International Women’s Day in Berlin”

If you have further (specific) questions, please approach our People and Organisation Manager.

Sick Days

If you‘re unable to come to work due to illness, please inform your direct supervisor as soon as possible. A doctor‘s note is required latest after the second day of absence, and is to be given/send to our People and Organization Manager.

Other Absence

If you have to take appointments which can’t be scheduled to before or after office hours, e.g. with authorities, doctor’s appointments, craftsmen at home or you are awaiting your new sofa being delivered, please try scheduling those to the beginning or the end of the day if possible and let your direct supervisor know about it in advance as soon as you learn about it. If the type of the absence has a casual background and home office is not possible during that time, making up for the time is expected. Additional time off will be offered in cases we hope you won’t be faced with very often (e.g. funerals of close relatives).

These OoO times should be entered in your personal calendar (as an OoO appointment, not as an event). No need to (additionally) add them to the Bleech calendar. The Bleech calendar should be used exclusively for events and appointments that are relevant to everyone.