Website Support

When is a website project done? Well, only when it’s offline. Websites are software, they live and breathe with the content and changes made to it. And even if nothing on the website itself changes, external circumstances (like publicized security vulnerabilities, server updates or new devices or browser versions) may require changes. That’s why we offer ongoing support plans to all our clients.

Setting Up New Support Contracts

As soon as a new website goes online and a support contract is signed, we set up the website for monitoring and central administration in ManageWP. If the website was built by us, one of the project developers reviews and improves the project documentation for a smooth handover to the support team. For contracts with additional retainer budgets, we create a dedicated support board in and invite our partners for continuous collaboration.

Creating Support Tickets by Email

A new email to will create a new ticket on the support board automatically, under the following conditions:

  • The email is coming from an email address outside of Bleech (i.e. not from
  • The email is sent directly to, not via CC or BCC.

If you want to create a ticket via email from your email address, you can send or forward the email to

Our dedicated support team will pick up and take care of all incoming support requests from there.

Collaborating On Full-Service Projects

Some of our support plans include budgets for optimizations and further development. For those, we invite contact persons from our clients as guests to the support boards, so they can add ticket requests themselves.

Before starting to work on tickets, the task, its specification, timing and available budget needs to be clarified with the Client Manager of the respecting project. Whenever questions or concerns arise, they should be clarified with our clients directly on via the ticket updates.

Plan Ahead, Prioritize, and Communicate Often

If an update or requested change is critical, it has to be done as soon as possible. Non critical tasks should be planned in within reasonable time. Set expectations by communicating next steps, estimates and due dates until the end of the second day since a support request has been reported.